5 Ideas on Maintaining Hygiene with Pull-Ups 

Adult pull-ups are among the most resourceful incontinence products. These wearables effectively soak up urinary and fecal fluids, minimizing bathroom accidents for people with incontinence problems.  

However, the efficacy of pull-ups depends primarily on proper usage. While using these products, one best practice is maintaining the highest sanitation levels possible.  

We’ve prepared a rundown of the five ideas to maintain proper hygiene with adult pull-ups. But first, let’s begin by understanding what these incontinent wearables constitute.  

 What Are Adult Pull-Ups? 

Adult pull-ups are a special type of adult diapers designed to be worn by pulling them from the feet up the waist, just like regular underwear. They’re also known as incontinence underwear or pull-on briefs.  

Adult pull-ups resemble regular underwear. The difference is that they feature a thick absorbency material that soaks up urinary and fecal discharge.  

Diaper pads are preferable to the more popular tab-style diapers for their discretion. Their underwear design allows you to change them in the locker room or public showers without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.  

However, pull-ups are ideal for users who don’t require much help changing their adult diapers. People with severe mobility problems would do better with tab-style or tape-on diapers. 

Ways to Maintain Hygiene With Adult Pull-Ups 

1. Decide Between Disposable and Reusable Pull-ups 

Like most incontinent wearables; adult pull-ups come in disposable and reusable options.  

Disposable adult pull-ups are meant to be discarded after the first use, while reusable pull-ups can be washed and worn multiple times.  

Cost is usually the biggest consideration when choosing between disposable and reusable incontinence briefs. Reusable diapers are more durable and economical in the long run. Depending on the construction material, a single pull-up can last you several weeks or even months.  

However, it’s also important to consider sanitation when deciding between these two popular pull-up options.  

Disposable pull-ups improve hygiene due to their ease of handling. Once you remove the soiled diaper, you immediately chuck it into the trash without needing to rewash it. This reduces germ transfer from the soiled pull-up to your hands.  

For comparison, a soiled reusable pull-up must be handled with kid gloves. These diapers often must be washed immediately before they become a breeding ground for germs.   

2. Pick the Right Diaper Size 

Choosing the right adult pull-up size isn’t only a matter of comfort. It also impacts your hygiene.  

Oversized pull-ups promote leakage through the open spaces around the thighs. This may force you to press your pants against the leaks to possibly absorb them before they get to your lower legs.  

Contact with leaked bodily fluids can pose serious sanitation issues. It’s worse if accidents occur when you’re outdoors with no sanitary booths in sight.  

Undersized adult pull-ups are no better. As the wearables press firmly against your skin, they increase the risks of irritation.  

The only natural way to respond to itchy skin is to scratch it. However, scratching can increase exposure to toxic urinary and fecal wastes.  

The best strategy to find properly fitting adult pull-ups is to measure your waist size and then use the measurements as a guide when shopping for diapers. Many pull-up brands maintain sizing charts that let you hone in on the right diaper size.  

3. Change Diapers Regularly 

How frequently should I change my adult pull-ups?  

This is one of the most nagging concerns among new incontinence underwear users.  

An adult pull-up can last from four to twelve hours. The actual duration depends primarily on the thickness of its absorbency layer.  

Pull-ups with a thicker absorbency material last longer. Such products can help you maintain hygiene overnight or while on long-haul trips.  

Your incontinence level may also determine the frequency with which to change your adult diapers.  

Incontinence falls into three categories, namely: 

  • Mild Incontinence – 1.3 – 20 grams of discharge in 24 hours 
  • Moderate Incontinence – 21 – 74 grams of discharge/24 hours 
  • Severe – over 75 grams/24 hours 

4. Get Moving 

Adult pull-ups aren’t only suitable for people with reduced bladder and/or bowel control. They can also come in handy for users with limited mobility caused by grievous accidents or degenerative bone diseases like arthritis.  

People with severe mobility issues may experience challenges moving around. However, some form of activity is essential in improving diaper hygiene.  

Prolonged bed stays can cause bed sores. The open wounds may offer a passageway through which the urinary and fecal discharge germs enter the bloodstream.  

Besides, staying immobile while wearing an adult pull-up causes the covered areas to moisten, providing an excellent breeding ground for germs.   

5. Invest In Relevant Pull-up Accessories  

You can use numerous products alongside adult pull-ups to elevate your hygiene levels, such as wipes.  

Wipes are particularly recommended for adult diaper users in the postoperative phase.  

The products are made from soft fabrics to gently wipe down sore wounds. They also contain antiseptic solutions that prevent bacterial infection if the wounds become exposed to the toxins in pee or poo.  

Even if you’re not postoperative, you may still use wipes to keep the tender skin around the diaper area clean. Besides wipes, you could also invest in waistbands and leg barrier cuffs to manage pull-up leaks.  


Following the above tips can help you maintain proper sanitation while using adult pull-ups. Remember to complement your efforts with common personal hygiene tips, such as washing your hands after every diaper change. 

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