Choose a license plate number that is lucky for your birthday to increase your luck

 In today’s era, people like to have auspicious license plates. more commonly because it is said to enhance luck and wealth Cars according to Thai people’s belief have Mae Yanang car on them. Therefore, it is wise to choose ทะเบียนรถ. It is an auspicious number that promotes and supports the fortune of the car owner. And in this era, you can choose the auspicious car number according to your birth date. Each day will have different auspicious numbers as follows.

  • .Auspicious license plate number People born on Monday People born on this day are people who speak well and have good relations, but think too much and take it seriously. Have clear goals and like to work on many things at the same time. Have leadership, analytical thinking and good skills, so you should choose the auspicious numbers 2 and 6
  • People born on Tuesday He is a person who is serious about his work and does not give up on obstacles. Courageous, fearless, disinterested, does not like being forced, is a person who fights for work and is serious about work. The car license plate numbers that people on Tuesday should have are number 1 and number 3.
  • People born on Wednesday afternoon He is a person who is quick-witted and sees people who lack diligence and has the patience to work systematically. and be careful The license plate numbers that people on Wednesday lunch should use are number 2 and number 4.
  • People born on Wednesday night He is an enthusiastic, patient person who is good at adapting to his environment. Be creative, have good ideas, like art, like creative work. And a person who has sense and who talks at night should choose to use the number 7 and number 8 cars.
  • People born on Thursday Today’s people are people with high leadership skills and like to give orders. He is a person who uses reason and effect rather than emotion. He has principles. He is a serious person but puts pressure on himself and those around him. He is rarely obedient to anyone who is difficult to trust. Thursday people should choose to use license plate numbers 4 and 5.
  • People born on Friday He is a person who remembers well, works hard and is creative. Like beauty, like talking and negotiating, have good wit and know how to approach smart people. People born on Friday should stop using license plate numbers 6 and 5.
  • People born on Saturday He is a person with the blood of a fighter who fights against various obstacles in his way and is able to take responsibility for solving immediate problems well. I am a decisive person. I do not like taking advantage of others and I do not like others to take advantage of me. I am a person who is careful and thorough. But he likes to think over and over again like a repetitive person who likes to rely on himself and do everything himself. People born on Saturday should choose to use license plate numbers 3 and 7.
  • People born on Sunday A person who is impatient and ambitious, has high self-confidence, rarely listens to anyone, adheres to one’s own identity, is highly responsible and courageous in making decisions. People born on Sunday should choose to use car license plate numbers 1 and 8.
  • Auspicious car color for birthday

Choosing an auspicious car color will help you increase your luck, wealth, and success. Let’s take a look at what auspicious birthday car colors you should choose.

1. People born on Monday To enhance kindness, there are patrons who help by choosing a blue and gold car to enhance the prestige of the subordinates. Green cars enhance luck, power, and wealth. You should use orange, yellow, blue, purple cars.

2. People born on Tuesday If promoting kindness and popularity, you should choose to use red and pink cars. In terms of power, prestige, and fortune, choose a gray bronze color to enhance wealth and fortune. Choose gold, brick, brown, and green. If you want to promote loving people, kind people, and good business, use brown and green cars.

3. People born on Wednesday lunchtime Promote kindness and have people help you. White and green cars promote prestige and power of fortune. Use blue, purple, and blue cars. Promote wealth and fortune. Brown, gold, gray, black cars should be used.

4.People born on Wednesday night The mercurial aspect is popular with the color purple. Promoting the prestige of subordinates You should use pink, red, brown, white cars to promote wealth and good fortune. You should use black, blue, and blue cars.

5. People born on Thursday Promote kindness Green cars enhance prestige, power, and fortune. White, blue, blue, and gold promote wealth and fortune. Red, gray, and bronze.

6. People born on Friday Promote kindness Yellow cars promote the prestige and good fortune of the followers. You should use a brown car. White promotes wealth, use gold, red, or pink cars.

7.People born on Saturday Kindness follows Mahaniyom You should choose pink that promotes power and prestige, that is, gray, black, purple promotes wealth and wealth. Golden, Yellow, Gray, Bronze

8. People born on Sunday Promote prestige, power, and fortune. Colors are bronze, grey, gold, black. The prestige side of subordinates is red, crimson. Wealth side is green, yellow.

Therefore, when you choose your car registration You also need to look at the auspiciousness of the registration number and the color of the car. We also recommend that you reserve your car license plate with tabiengod, which is a website that sells car license plates. With a complete range of services, it makes choosing a vehicle registration worthwhile at a price you can afford.

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