Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Car Accident Attorney in New York

A car accident can change your entire life in seconds. If you have suffered injuries in a motor vehicle accident due to someone else’s negligence in New York, you can pursue financial compensation. 

An initial consultation with an experienced Car Accident Attorney in New York can help potential clients understand their legal rights and obligations. However, meeting a lawyer for the first time can be overwhelming and intimidating. 

At Gregory Spektor And Associates, we ensure initial consultations are informative and stress-free. Our New York personal injury law firm recommends that victims make a list of questions to ask during the consultation. 

Five questions you might consider asking include: 

How Long Will It Take To Resolve My Case?

A prompt settlement is an ideal outcome for an injured victim. 

While some cases may take a few months, others may take longer to resolve. 

How long it takes to settle an accident case depends on the complexities involved in the case, the severity of your injuries, the availability and strength of evidence, and the willingness of the defendant or insurance company to negotiate. 

Is It More Beneficial To Settle? 

A quick settlement allows the injured party to receive compensation immediately.  Settling out of court results in lower legal costs for the parties. Lawsuits tend to be time-consuming and expensive. 

Settlements offer greater control over the outcome. Parties can negotiate terms that best suit their needs. In a lawsuit, the final decision is at the mercy of a judge or jury, and the outcome may not be in either party’s favor. 

Will You Take My Accident Case To Court If The Need Arises

Although a trial can be a long process, a victim can potentially obtain greater compensation in the form of a jury verdict.

By filing a lawsuit, the insurance company will know you’re prepared to fight for what you deserve. As a result, they may be willing to negotiate again hoping to settle out of court.

At Gregory Spektor And Associates, our lawyers have trial experience. Whether in or out of the courtroom, our car accident lawyers have a history of winning on behalf of their clients. 

Are There Any Time Limits Within Which I Must File A Lawsuit Against The At-Fault Party?

Statutes of limitations regulate the amount of time that a potential plaintiff has to initiate a legal claim.

Statutes of limitations are state procedural rules that strictly limit legal actions based on time.

Once a statute of limitations expires, a plaintiff cannot file a legal claim. 

The personal injury statute of limitations in New York is three years. This means that you have three years from the date of your car accident injuries to file a lawsuit. 

You have limited time to gather evidence, consider legal options, and file a lawsuit. 

Do You Offer Contingency Fees? 

Most car accident attorneys receive fees for their work on a contingency fee basis. 

In a contingent fee arrangement, lawyers receive a percentage of the monetary amount that their client receives when they win or settle the case. Reimbursement for the attorney’s services is “contingent upon” the client receiving some compensation. A contingency fee structure allows low-income clients to receive the legal assistance they require. This fee arrangement also ensures that clients do not have to bear legal bills while fighting to win compensation. 

Contact A New York Car Accident Attorney 

It is essential to carefully review a car accident attorney’s reputation, jury trial success, and past outcomes before retaining their services.

If you or your loved one have suffered injuries in a New York auto accident due to a negligent driver, you deserve compensation for your injuries and other damages. Call an experienced auto accident lawyer at Gregory Spektor And Associates for a free, no-obligation case consultation right away.

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